Letter to clients – 26 June 2020

June 26, 2020

I hope you are all enjoying this fabulous weather and have found a way of coping with the extra heat.

I would like to bring you up-to-date with various developments that I would like to share with you and I am delighted to say that they aren’t all Coronavirus related!

Firstly I am delighted to announce that Homecare.co.uk – which is the Tripadvisor equivalent in the homecare sector – has announced that we are one of the Top 20 homecare groups in the UK. This accolade is based on the quality of the reviews sent in by our clients who, over the last two years, have provided consistent high scoring reviews throughout our modest group of 3 branches. This is a fantastic achievement and is a great credit to all our carers who visit you, our clients, at all hours of the day, seven days a week.

As we move into the next phase of managing the Coronavirus situation I would like to share with you some facts as they relate to our group and as they relate to Homecare throughout the UK:

• We have performed some 35,000 visits since lockdown and we are not aware of a single infection of one of our clients caused by an infection from our carers. We have had a couple of clients who have had the virus but we believe the infection was transmitted during short stays in hospital.
• A handful of carers have contracted the virus but they have isolated themselves quickly and successfully prevented the transfer of the virus to other colleagues or to clients.
• Across the country as a whole it seems that the numbers of fatalities in care homes has been 11% higher than normally expected at this time of year, yet deaths of people receiving homecare has been less than 1% higher than normal. The obvious conclusion is that you have been far safer at home during these times than in a care home. The main reason for this is that you are far more isolated at home than in a care home where many carers, cleaners, physios, pharmacists visit rooms each and every day whereas in your own home the only visitor is often a carer and perhaps one or two members of the family.

Moving forward my personal view is that it is very important for you to find safe ways of seeing your family and friends again. For those of you who have been complete isolation it must have been pretty grim and I believe that social contact is as important to your sense of well being as food and drink and any medication you may be taking. So please find a way to interact with others and to breath and feel some fresh air.

As we emerge from lockdown there are many challenges ahead as we come to terms with all the rules and regulations associated with the easing of lockdown but, on the whole, I believe it is very important that we try to get back to normal so that people are working, kids are being educated and that are economy returns to normal. It may take a while and mistakes may well be made along the way, but I welcome the general direction of travel.

With best wishes for the rest of the summer.

With kind regards

John Rennison

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