Coronavirus – Some good news
March 19, 2020
Although some carers have had to self-isolate because they, or someone in their household, are displaying symptoms of Corona virus we believe we can offset their temporary absences because of the following new developments:
1 The Government’s initiative to provide childcare for the children of key workers has got to be of help to our carers who need to work. We are still awaiting details from Government such as definitions of key workers and a note of exactly how schools will provide this type of childcare.
2 We are recruiting new carers and continuing with our normal training programme for new and existing staff (with normal face-to-face training but with lower numbers of attendees). We expect more applicants than normal because of the number of people in pubs, restaurants, cafes and travel businesses whose business sectors have been adversely affected by the recent developments.
3 We have a loyal following of ex-carers who left the company for various reasons but who have offered to return to help. These people can re-start and help relatively quickly.
4 Existing carers have stepped forward and offered more hours than normal often because their partner at home is earning less income for the family than normal.
Without doubt we are having to manage a great deal of change but we currently don’t see any reasons why we can’t provide an almost normal level of service. In fact, after years of such a poor reputation amongst the general population I would venture to suggest that carers are entering a period which will be regarded by many as their finest hour!
Feel free to pat them on the back and thank them when you see them going about their daily tasks.
John Rennison